Friday, August 1, 2014

Understand that Facebook tells all your friends when you tell a lie.

In this new age of technology there is still a lot of learning and understanding to be done by most of us. First off, you should know by now not to write anything down whether it be paper or text things that you wouldn't want someone else to see. Your "private" messages can become public within a click of a button. "White lies" to try and spare someone's feelings almost no longer exist, they can find most of them out within five minutes. You tell on yourselves daily and I most likely have also been on both sides of that fence.
     The old white lies that just don't work anymore, they don't work because for some reason we are in an age where everyone wants to tell everyone else they know.. What they are doing.. Who they are with.. How much fun they are having.. Or How miserable they really are..
We all have more "friends" on our friends lists than we actually talk to or keep up with, it is nice to be able to see what our "old" friends have been up to and how they are doing now. But I must be one of the weird ones in this internet/facebook world, because even though I have over 300 friends if any one of them asked me to hang out, I would. Those that I would have liked to spy on but didn't really like still got the boot. When I am finally done with a person I couldn't care less what was going on in their world. Or if I did like to do any checking up I didn't do it as a fake friend to them. Which as I'm sure you already know, kinda sucks when they have everything set to private, but oh well, the friendship is over so I wouldn't push it.   
     So, I decided to write down what I have noticed people lie about and then turn around and tell on themselves via Facebook. Just because a person doesn't call you out on it, doesn't mean they haven't noticed when you lie to them. People should really stop posting and tell everyone they know every little step you take in your daily life. I purposely leave a lot of things off of my Facebook, that way if someone really wants to know what I have been up to, they are gonna have to get off the computer or smart phone and actually talk to me. Same goes with texting, I am not going to share the same things I would in a real conversation during texts cause that kinda defeats the purpose of being a friend. Think about it and stop living through artificial "sharing" because that makes you a fake friend.
     1. Don't say that you are no longer friends with someone and then hold an entire conversation with them on yours or their Facebook page, your friends can see both now. 
2. Trying to be a "player" in this day and age no longer works either, cause first thing you do when talking to someone is request them as a friend on Facebook. So ladies/guys are going to see exactly who you are talking to and how you talk to them.
3. Saying you have been at home all day or wherever and then posting pictures of somewhere else or just so you know sometimes Facebook will decide to just tell everyone on your friends list what city you are posting from at that time. You have no control over this for the most part.
4. Telling someone you are too busy at the moment to talk or answer your phone and then Facebook will post your latest score on whatever game you were playing instead.
5. This kinda goes with number 1, but posting pictures of you alongside someone you have said you don't hang out with anymore. Caught ya!
6. Using the excuse you don't have any money for going out, paying your child support, paying someone back on a loan or whatever and then posting about something new you just bought. Whether it be pictures or just a text post, it doesn't matter.
7. You would think this one would be an obvious but unless you are one of the very, very few people out there who haven't posted a single picture of yourself and none of your friends have a tagged picture of you, don NOT lie about what you look like!
8. Telling someone that you have stopped one of your bad habits when you haven't, if it hasn't been found out yet Facebook will be sure to tell on you soon enough. I mean things like drinking, smoking.. etc.
9. Here's a kinda obvious one that has happened to me in the past... Someone you know telling you they don't have something of yours and then have a picture posted of themselves with your property in their picture! Like a t-shirt, make up case, shoes and the like.
10. Finally, we know when you are sleeping and when you are not.. thanks to your addiction to Facebook and posting.